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Homestead Employee Recommendations
How to Host a Meeting
Here's a quick introduction to what you need to do as a host of a HS bookclub meeting.

1. Selecting the Next Book
As the meeting's host, you have final say on the book selection for your month. Try and select a book within a week of saying you will host the next meeting so people will have ample time to acquire and read your book. If you'd like to get feel for when to schedule the next meeting, you can do this when you announce your book (see Step 3).

2. Updating the Website
After you make your book selection, update the website with your book. You'll have to take the previous month's book down and put up your book with an associate link to Amazon. You can login to our Amazon Associates account to build the link (and steal an image from Amazon as well).

If you're having trouble using the associates website to make a link, you can use the following link and substitute the book's ISBN for the X's:

To get the login/password for the Homestead or Amazon Associates account, please e-mail Stella.

3. Scheduling the Meeting
Give people about 2 weeks notice before the actual meeting. It's always nice to ask people when they are available, but sometimes there's a lack of response and you just have to go ahead and schedule the meeting. We have different meeting formats which all revolve around food that's loosely related to the book: lunch meetings (off-site or @Homestead), right-after-work dinner meetings @Homestead, potluck dinner meetings (at host's home), outdoor picnic meeting (weather permitting), etc.

4. Announcing the Meeting
Once a date is set, you'll need to update the meeting page (NextMeeting.html) with information about time, date, place and food theme. We usually use the Guestbook as a way to RSVP and let others know what you'll be bringing to the meeting. Then send out reminder e-mails in the week prior to the meeting to assure attendance!

5. Running the Meeting
Basically take note of who showed up and kinda keep the meeting going so there aren't any long awkward silences. Previous successful meeting hosts have printed out questions or information pertaining to the book that may be helpful in discussion. Also at the end of the meeting, discuss who will be the next host and brainstorm book ideas.

6. Summarizing the Meeting
After the meeting, create a short page summarizing the meeting. You can base it on the following page: howreading.html. Add your book's title to the bottom of the index page and link to your summary page here. Also if there are any pictures from the meeting, add them to the bookclub's PhotoSite. Add the pictures to the following Photo Folder \\moose\users\Activities\BookClub\ and the pictures will be added to AlbumBuilder when you login. Use the same login as for the website.

7. Lining Up the Next Host
Ideally, we like to keep two meetings lined up at all times so you'd be lining up the next host for the meeting after the next meeting. Your job as a previous host is to make sure the next host stays on task and completes all the above steps to keep the book club running smoothly.