Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
by JK Rowling
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October '05 Book:
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
by JK Rowling
Meeting Summary (Oct. 1st, 2005):

In attendance were Rochelle, Jolene, Stella, Jen, Phil and Carolyn.  We had a nice outdoor lunch based on food mentioned in the book including Treacle Tart, Chicken and Ham pie, Cornish pasties, and everyone's favorite - Spotted Dick..

SPOILER ALERT!  (major plot points are disclosed)  Discussion centered around whether or not Snape was good or bad (general concensus: good), whether Dumbledore was still alive or not (general concensus:  not) and whether or not Ron and Hermione were a good couple (no general concensus on this one).   We also briefly talked about whether or not book seven would be the last one and what other good series there were like this for children (Narnia, His Dark Materials and the Eragon series came up).
Jen and Stella sent out some great links regarding the food:
Food References in the Series
British Food Store in San Carlos (place to buy spotted dick!)

Other links of interest:
Hogwarts Heir (this site has a recipes section)
Official JK Rowling Site (she often addresses spoilers and updates frequently)